Huffington Post Feature
I was so proud and flattered that the Huffington Post featured not only this photo, but also the individual portraits I created of each...

So You Want to Visit Cuba
Famed for its steamy culture and forbidden-fruit status, Cuba is on the minds of countless U.S. vacationers thanks to relaxed travel...

Are you a photographer?
“Are you a photographer?” The question was surprisingly simple for me to answer given that I’d just spent three days questioning my...

Tough Travel Days
If you know me, you know: I like adventure when I travel and I’ve had a little more than my fair share. From being stuck in various...

Hob-Nobbing With the Other Half
Today I found out how the other half lives. Or the other 1/8th maybe. My mom and I checked into The Grand Luxxe outside of Playa del...

When in Rome...
People ask me all the time if I’m ever scared when I’m traveling alone. The answer is yes, pretty much every day. I don’t know the...

Where are you, Christmas?
I admit it: I was feeling pretty grumpy this holiday season. Downright Scroogish, even. Christmas has always been my favorite time of...

The (Mis)Adventures of Miss Adventure
If you ever want to teach your kids a lesson about how much they need you, just take them somewhere they have never been for a few days,...

Trust for Tourists
I made a mistake yesterday. A dumb one. I handed my wallet to a total stranger and I turned my back. I paid. Sounds impossible, right?...

Taming the Beast
It’s surprising how much time you have to think about things when you’re accidentally flying through the air on a 500-pound machine. You...